The Schley’s here are packing up and leaving South Dakota for a year in search of adventure on the southern side of the world. We post regularly on Instagram featuring day to day activities. As for this website, we hope to write down more of our thoughts and dive deeper into our experiences somewhere else.

COVID-19 Delays
We originally wanted to go to South America early 2020, but COVID shut everything down. By 2021, we really wanted to start our travels, so we decided to go to Europe where the restrictions were much less.
Winter of 2021 and 2022
We blitzed across Europe visiting 15 different countries and stayed an average of 3 to 4 nights in each place.
Starting Fall of 2022
After coming back for the summer, we turn again to the skies and fly to South America for the rest of our quest to learn more about the world and see what we are made of.