We got serious about packing a week ago. I had my packing plans in my head and now that plan had to travel to my hands and into suitcases. Since I started packing, I feel like my brain is a computer processor that constantly has the fan on due to overheating.
Back to business. We need to pack for a year…kind of. There are some things we will be able to buy while we are down there, some things we can’t/shouldn’t, and some things we will go without.
I was in charge of this area for myself and the boys. I packed 9 days of clothes for the boys. As far as what type of clothes, I had to keep in mind that we will be in the Southern Hemisphere so seasons are opposite. I guess we’ll have to cope with us heading into another season of summer.
Of course I packed more than 9 outfits for myself. That is not a reasonable goal for a woman.
I think Dusty packed four pairs of jeans and some underwear.
Adventure Gear
Since we will be living in the mountains, we are excited to hike, camp, and snowboard. Packing for this is Dusty’s department. He has decided to pack some things because he is thinking it will be more expensive to purchase it down there. We will have to update you on this. There are a lot of things we aren’t sure on.
Things we can’t get down there and need to pack:
Electronics – due to them being very expensive
Prescription meds – we could, but it would be more of an obstacle so I was able to get a year prescription. Yay!
Pants for Dusty – not sure if they sell pants with a 36 inseam
School Books – I am homeschooling Clay for grade 2 and need curriculum in English
Ranch – I love my salads and they don’t have this. They didn’t have it in Europe either.
Things we will have to do without:
Nespresso Machine – Its too bulky and we would have to buy a voltage adapter. But from our research. Argentina likes their coffee and espresso. There have a lot of Italian influence in their country. We are thinking I will be able to go without my machine and buy espresso for cheap at shops. We’ll see!
Shoes – I brought some but leaned toward practical and brought only a few pairs.
Toys – We don’t have the space. The kids have been doing pretty good at role playing so we’re banking on not needing many!
I just asked Dusty what he is doing without, and he said nothing. As long as he has a pair a jeans, his computer, and snowboard, he can survive.
Dusty is currently running around packing. I got to do this post because my bags are zipped and ready for TSA.
Excited for you guys but will miss you so much. Have wonderful travels!!